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Heartfelt with HETRA: Article Twenty-Six

Nontraditional but Super Beneficial - Ryland Butler’s Story as told by his Mother, Melena Butler

Our first introduction to HETRA was through Ryland’s occupational therapist (OT), Kaiti Otte, who we had been working with at an outpatient clinic. Kaiti was also volunteering at HETRA, so when she told us she was taking a full-time position at the barn, we wanted to learn more about equine services in order to see if it would be a good fit for our family.  We signed up for a tour, and after not only hearing but seeing what these unique sessions could do for so many, including our Ryland, we knew it was something we wanted to try.

We started in the Spring of 2021 when Ryland was 3.5 years old. Before starting, Ryland hadn’t had experience around horses and while he liked the idea of animals, they were very intimidating to him. His first encounter of a horse was riding Red, this memory will always have a special place in our hearts. In a short amount of time, he eagerly began to talk about and express excitement for the herd, which has helped him become a lover of all animals he encounters. He has gained so much confidence in himself and his abilities, as well as his confidence with animals.

Continuing therapy with Kaiti was also a major benefit for us. She had always been a positive influence on Ryland during their outpatient sessions, and a highlight of his week. Although HETRA was a less traditional setting, it has been extremely beneficial and we are so thankful for Ryland to continue to receive services from her. 

As Ryland’s mom, I just love to see the way he lights up during his session. It is truly special to see the bond he has formed with Kaiti, the volunteers, and his horse over the years. It is evident that everyone enjoys their role, which makes it a very welcoming atmosphere for participants and their families. Kaiti has always valued my perspective as a mother and taken the extra time to listen and provide support for Ryland and our family. We value her as a person and an OT and couldn’t be more grateful for the impactful work she continues to do for Ryland.



When I asked Ryland what his favorite part is, he said, “I like when I get to work at HETRA”. On occasion, Ryland is able to go and take part in a whole different type of ground session with the mini horses where he has been able to work on grooming activities and other skills. He absolutely loves it and will not hesitate to agree to a session where he gets to “go to work”. During the summer, after each session Ryland loves to check on the garden and see the progress that the vegetables have made. It is such a peaceful place where we can both slow down and appreciate our surroundings.

Riding at HETRA has helped Ryland build up his strength and gain confidence in so many areas. It challenges him weekly without him even realizing all of the work that he has put in. He has gained strength, coordination, confidence, and many other skills that he would not have the opportunity to encounter or learn outside the barn, which has changed Ryland’s life for the better! 

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