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Heartfelt with HETRA: Article Twenty-Seven

A Vital Support - Wayne Rapp’s Story

Wayne Rapp's childhood was filled with the sounds of rural life, growing up on a farm in Pottawattamie County, Iowa. The farm was home to cows, hogs, cats, and dogs. After completing high school, Wayne enlisted in the Navy and served for four years before being released from active duty. He would spend the next 42.5 years in the service department at an Oldsmobile and Honda dealership, perfecting his people skills as he interacted with customers and mechanics.

Wayne first learned about HETRA in the spring of 2016, after seeing an ad in a Country Lanes magazine calling for volunteers. His wife, Joyce, encouraged him to take the leap and join the organization. Wayne decided to volunteer in June of that year, feeling the need to fill his time with something more meaningful. He was drawn to HETRA because it gave him the opportunity to be around horses, while helping others and making a positive impact.

Over the last 7+ years, Wayne can still say his favorite part about of volunteering at HETRA are his interactions with the staff, participants, and other volunteers. During each session, he gets to know everyone around him and it has quickly become a highlight of his week. Since retiring, Wayne has been able to plan his schedule around his HETRA day. He’s developed strong friendships with fellow volunteers, as well as some of the instructors, and he enjoys visiting with them.

One of the most rewarding experiences for him has been “witnessing the incredible progress participants have made over time.” Wayne recalls two participants in particular: a child who initially struggled with their speech and another who was struggling with behavioral issues. Both underwent significant transformations inside the HETRA barn, and Wayne says that it has been amazing to watch them grow and now thrive. The first one started out hesitant, but eventually became confident enough to participate in lessons fully and even smiles while riding their horse. The other transformed from having a difficult attitude to becoming more polite and cooperative within the barn.

As Wayne reflects on his experience and time at HETRA, he’s reminded of the importance of being mindful and considerate of individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. “It's clear to me that many caregivers devote a significant amount of time and energy to supporting their loved ones, often going above and beyond each and every day.”

When thinking about HETRA's mission, Wayne is reminded of his high school friend who now requires special care due to his condition. He's homebound, and they keep in touch through phone calls every so often. Seeing his needs has made Wayne more aware of the importance of organizations like HETRA, which provide vital support to individuals with special needs and their caregivers.

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