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Frequent Questions

Q: How much of a time commitment would this be?

A: In order to maximize the benefit to the participants for each session HETRA strives to create a care team for each participant. It is very important to the progress of the participant that this team stays consistent. Volunteers are asked to commit to at least one 2-4 hour time slot per week. Volunteers are welcome to continue to volunteer on an ongoing basis.

Q: What if I can’t make a weekly commitment?

A: If you are unable to make a weekly commitment but would still like to volunteer, we are always looking for substitute volunteers. Sub volunteers fill in when a regularly scheduled volunteer is unable to make it to their shift. Please let us know if you are interested in being on the sub list and your availability. Volunteers from this list will be contacted as substitutes are needed.

Q: What if I can’t make it to my scheduled volunteer session?

A: If you are unable to attend your scheduled volunteer session please fill out the cancellation form located on the HETRA website under the volunteer tab. Please notify us at least 24 hours in advance to allow time to make other arrangements. If you are unable to notify us 24 hours in advance please call the volunteer coordinator, as well as filling out a cancellation form. The more notice we are given when canceling will enable us to find a substitute to fill your spot. Your job as a volunteer is very important to HETRA and the participants. If a volunteer fails to show up for a scheduled time, a HETRA participant may not be able to ride and therefore miss out on their valuable session. So PLEASE notify us if you are unable to attend your scheduled volunteer time!

Q: What should I wear to the barn?

A: Please wear closed-toed shoes such as tennis shoes or boots. Volunteers need to avoid wearing loose clothing that could get caught on a participant or saddle or that would make a lot of noise such as a windbreaker. Please keep in mind that you will be around horses and walking/jogging in deep sand, comfortable shoes are recommended. Please avoid dangling jewelry and excessive perfume or cologne. Please dress in a manner that is appropriate to a family-oriented public place and demonstrates a good image for HETRA.

Q: What is HETRA’s policy on severe weather?

A: Sessions are occasionally canceled due to poor road conditions, extreme cold, heat advisory, or a tornado warning. You will be individually notified via text message in the case of any cancellation, weather-related or otherwise. All holiday cancellations will be posted on the HETRA website calendar, as well as emailed to all volunteers.

Q: I am interested in grooming, tacking and/or horse leading.  How do I get trained to do these tasks? 

A: HETRA offers separate trainings for grooming, tacking and horse leading.  Volunteers must attend the initial volunteer training and assist as a sidewalker and/or instructor assistant for a period of time in order to be eligible for these additional trainings.  

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